Funny Texas highway signs will soon be banned under new federal rules. Here's why.
Overton | texas | US 259 |
Farewell, "Mama say buckle up Bobby Boucher." All these humorous Texas highway signs are going away because of new rules from the Federal Highway Administration. Funny highways signs to be banned ...[...]
Jan 17, 2024 04:18am | 6 views | source: Bing
Senior caught in the middle as TxDOT faces criticism for lack of empathy
Forest Hill | texas | I-20 |
For 45 years, Dora Overton of Forest Hill has lived in the shadow of the great highway, Interstate 20, bustling day and ... out 1,539 miles later in West Texas is about to become even greater.[...]
Apr 28, 2023 2:00pm | 10 views | source: Bing