Anniedale › North: Golden Ears Way at 96 Avenue Connector, looking south
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C British Columbia Traffic Cameras
Campbell River Area A › North: Hwy 19 at Menzies Hill, about 7 km southeast of Roberts Lake and 24 km north of Campbell River, looking north

Area A Area A › South-East: Hwy 1 at Field Access Road, about 16 km west of BC/Alberta border, looking southeast

Vancouver Area B › South: Comox Harbour - Comox Harbour Authority and the Beaufort Range on Vancouver Island

Area E Area E › East: Hwy 3A & Hwy 31 at Busk Road near the Balfour inland ferry terminal entrance, looking at ferry parking lot

Parksville Area H › North: Hwy 19 at Cook Creek Road, about 29 km north of Parksville, looking north

Nakusp Area K › South: Hwy 6 at South Arrow Park Ferry Terminal, 22km south of Nakusp at junction of Upper and Lower Arrow Lakes, looking south on Arrow Park Road

Okanagan Aspen Grove › North: Hwy 97C (Okanagan Connector), at Hwy 5A Junction, near - looking north

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