Current NJ-79 New Jersey Traffic Conditions

DOT Accident and Construction Reports
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
Road ClosedNJ-33 / State Route 33 Road is closed from Beginning of Freeway (NJ-33) to NJ-34 (NJ-33).
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
Road ClosedNJ-33 / State Route 33 Road is closed from NJ-34 (NJ-33) to Beginning of Freeway (NJ-33).
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
Road ClosedRoadwork from US Highway 9 to Schulmeister Rd.
TYPE: Construction Serious