UPDATE: All northbound and southbound lanes are now OPEN, except for one lane open in each direction at the scene of the incident (US 101 from Capitan Ranch Road to Las Varas Canyon Road). Travelers should be aware of highway workers in this area.
UPDATE: The No. 1 (left) lane of southbound #US101 has re-opened at the Separation with Hwy. 1 north of the Gaviota Tunnel. Update will be provided when the second southbound lane opens. Northbound US 101 re-opened near Cathedral Oaks earlier tonight.
@CaltransDist7 will close all lanes on the southbound US 101 transition at the SR-170 interchange Saturday, Nov. 23; Sunday, Nov. 24; and Monday, Nov. 25. A convenient detour will be provided for motorists. More details below 👇 https://t.co/iWYXimJei3