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Current US 13 Traffic Conditions

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US 13 Traffic Delays

  • Delaware US 13
    102mi From Claymont to Laurel
    2 hours 27 mins travel time instead of 1 hour 49 mins
    delay 38 minutes Delay
  • Illinois US 13
    215mi From Keokuk to Danville
    4 hours 6 mins travel time instead of 3 hours 49 mins
    delay 17 minutes Delay
  • Maryland US 13
    3.0mi From Delmar to Salisbury
    9 mins travel time instead of 6 mins
    delay 3 minutes Delay
  • North Carolina US 13
    164mi From city to Wade
    2 hours 42 mins travel time instead of 2 hours 32 mins
    delay 10 minutes Delay
  • Pennsylvania US 13
    27.4mi From Philadelphia to Marcus Hook
    42 mins travel time instead of 33 mins
    delay 9 minutes Delay
  • Virginia US 13
    140mi From New Church to Suffolk
    3 hours 2 mins travel time instead of 2 hours 34 mins
    28 minutes Delay

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