Alabama's Jefferson Country Store, where time stands still and tradition lives on
alabama | US 411 |
Somebody, after all, has to mind the store. Jefferson Country Store is at 26120 Alabama Highway 28 in Jefferson, Ala. The phone is 334-289-0040. Hours are 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through ...[...]
Oct 05, 2018 04:15am | 13 views | source: Bing
highway 101
oregon | US 411 |
Overturned eel truck leaves slime all over Oregon highway Crash leaves slippery 'slime eels' all over Oregon highway Overturned eel truck leaves slime all over Oregon highway Crash leaves slippery ...[...]
Oct 05, 2018 00:35am | 33 views | source: Bing