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Current US 50 Traffic Conditions

US 50 Traffic Delays

  • California US 50
    108mi From city to South Lake Tahoe
    2 hours 8 mins travel time instead of 1 hour 58 mins
    10 minutes Delay
  • Colorado US 50
    475mi From Grand Junction to Lamar
    8 hours 18 mins travel time instead of 7 hours 26 mins
    52 minutes Delay
  • Illinois US 50
    137mi From East Saint Louis to Birds
    2 hours 49 mins travel time instead of 2 hours 33 mins
    16 minutes Delay
  • Indiana US 50
    211mi From Vincennes to Lawrenceburg
    3 hours 38 mins travel time instead of 3 hours 19 mins
    19 minutes Delay
  • Kansas US 50
    330mi From Dodge City to Kansas City
    5 hours 35 mins travel time instead of 5 hours 2 mins
    33 minutes Delay
  • Maryland US 50
    233mi From Parkersburg to city
    4 hours 36 mins travel time instead of 3 hours 59 mins
    37 minutes Delay
  • Missouri US 50
    242mi From Lone Jack to city
    3 hours 55 mins travel time instead of 3 hours 36 mins
    19 minutes Delay
  • Nevada US 50
    397mi From Kingsbury to city
    6 hours 47 mins travel time instead of 6 hours 23 mins
    24 minutes Delay
  • Ohio US 50
    202mi From North Bend to Guysville
    3 hours 35 mins travel time instead of 3 hours 8 mins
    27 minutes Delay
  • Utah US 50
    172mi From Delta to Green River
    2 hours 49 mins travel time instead of 2 hours 40 mins
    9 minutes Delay
  • Virginia US 50
    103mi From Gore to Arlington
    1 hour 49 mins travel time instead of 1 hour 36 mins
    13 minutes Delay
  • West Virginia US 50
    250mi From to
    4 hours 6 mins travel time instead of 3 hours 41 mins
    25 minutes Delay

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