San Antonio to Loving on Texas Highway 16
Anna | texas | US 75 |
Texas Highway 16 is an odds-and-ends highway, seemingly cobbled together from bits and pieces of preexisting roads. I'd be tempted to call most of it a two-lane blacktop except that the color ...[...]
Mar 14, 2023 11:19am | 5 views | source: Bing
So Cool
texas | US 75 |
$90-$135. Prude Ranch six miles northwest of Fort Davis on Texas Highway 118 (432-426-3202 or 800-458-6232). Guest lodges, $85; family cabin (sleeps four), $64-$75; ranch bunkhouse (sleeps eight ...[...]
Mar 20, 2023 05:15am | 6 views | source: Bing
Galveston to Quanah on Texas Highway 6
Allen | texas | US 75 |
Of all the long-distance drives in Texas, Highway 6 is the most surprising. The purpose of a state route is to fill in the gaps between the major highways, not to go gallivanting off on its own ...[...]
Mar 26, 2023 04:45am | 14 views | source: Bing
Galveston to Quanah on Texas Highway 6
Allen | texas | US 75 |
Of all the long-distance drives in Texas, Highway 6 is the most surprising. The purpose of a state route is to fill in the gaps between the major highways, not to go gallivanting off on its own ...[...]
Mar 26, 2023 04:45am | 24 views | source: Bing