Column: Will Virginia lead or lag on electric vehicles?
virginia | VA-208 |
The Advanced Clean Car Standards are the low-hanging fruit on the path to reducing harmful emissions, the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter's Cheri Conca writes in a guest column.[...]
Jul 30, 2024 3:05pm | 10 views | source: Bing
US grants aim at boosting EVs
virginia | VA-208 |
WASHINGTON -- The Biden administration is awarding $1.7 billion in grants to General Motors, Fiat Chrysler and other carmakers to help restart or expand electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly ...[...]
Jul 11, 2024 11:46pm | 4 views | source: Bing
Biden awards $1.7 billion to boost electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly in eight states
virginia | VA-208 |
The Biden administration is awarding nearly $2 billion in grants to General Motors, Fiat Chrysler, and other carmakers to help restart or expand electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly sites in ...[...]
Jul 11, 2024 2:20pm | 2 views | source: Bing