I-5 Remains Closed Following Officer-Involved Shooting in Thurston County
Tacoma | washington | I-5 |
There is no estimated time frame for reopening Interstate 5 near Martin Way in Lacey as what began as a standoff with a pedestrian who hijacked and rolled over a semi-truck turned into an ...[...]
Nov 19, 2022 11:19am | 28 views | 1 Comment | source: Bing
UPDATED: I-5 Remains Closed Following Officer-Involved Shooting in South Thurston County
Lacey | washington | I-5 |
The Washington State Patrol (WSP) has closed northbound and southbound lanes of Interstate 5 near Martin Way East in Lacey as troopers stand off with a pedestrian who hijacked and subsequently rolled ...[...]
Nov 19, 2022 00:26am | 81 views | 4 Comments | source: Bing