Driver on the run after fleeing Tri-Cities crash that left 3 children, 2 adults hurt
washington | US 12 Near Kennewick |
Police already were searching for the Kennewick driver of the black pickup truck before he allegedly turned left into the path of a Toyota Corolla near the ... said the Washington State Patrol.[...]
Jul 30, 2024 06:20am | 10 views | source: Bing
Can you get a ticket for playing music too loudly in your car? Here's what WA law says
washington | US 12 Near Kennewick |
What is state law in WA on loud music? While state law doesn't regulate how loud car speakers can be, it does set limits on how much noise a vehicle can make in general. On a public highway ...[...]
Jul 24, 2024 9:59pm | 4 views | source: Bing