Current KY-136 Henderson Kentucky Weather Conditions
Weather Report Henderson
Weather near other cities along KY-136 Kentucky
Thursday 07:04 AM
67° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 AM
69° F (Scattered Clouds)
01:00 PM
71° F (Scattered Clouds)
04:00 PM
66° F (Few Clouds)
07:00 PM
62° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 PM
59° F (Clear Sky)
57° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 AM
57° F (Scattered Clouds)
07:00 AM
67° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 AM
76° F (Broken Clouds)
01:00 PM
77° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 PM
71° F (Few Clouds)
07:00 PM
69° F (Light Rain)
10:00 PM
67° F (Light Rain)
65° F (Light Rain)
04:00 AM
65° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 AM
70° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 AM
68° F (Light Rain)
01:00 PM
61° F (Heavy Intensity Rain)
04:00 PM
58° F (Moderate Rain)
07:00 PM
54° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 PM
52° F (Broken Clouds)
47° F (Overcast Clouds)
04:00 AM
43° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 AM
47° F (Few Clouds)
10:00 AM
49° F (Few Clouds)
01:00 PM
51° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 PM
46° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 PM
43° F (Few Clouds)
10:00 PM
42° F (Scattered Clouds)
40° F (Broken Clouds)
04:00 AM
41° F (Broken Clouds)
07:00 AM
52° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 AM
62° F (Clear Sky)
01:00 PM
66° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 PM
59° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 PM
57° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 PM
56° F (Clear Sky)
55° F (Few Clouds)
04:00 AM
55° F (Broken Clouds)
07:00 AM
60° F (Overcast Clouds)
Weather News Reports
Ohio River Crossing work continues despite flooded worksite
- Kentucky
- Henderson
- I-69
- source: Bing
- Feb 25, 2025 7:47pm
The Ohio River Crossing project has been in the works for years. On the Kentucky side in Henderson, work started back in 2022 and that work is nearly done. Now it's Indiana's turn to meet in the ... Read More
More results in our KY-136 Henderson Kentucky Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
TYPE: Miscellaneous
Road ClosedThe Clay Street Bridge on KY 812 over the North Fork of Canoe Creek Road is closed for dem
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Moderate
TYPE: Construction Moderate
KY-136 Kentucky Weather Conditions Statewide (10 DOT and News Reports)