Current I-20 Kennedale Texas Weather Conditions
Weather Report Kennedale
Weather near other cities along I-20 Texas
Friday 07:04 PM
69° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 PM
67° F (Light Rain)
61° F (Scattered Clouds)
04:00 AM
53° F (Light Rain)
07:00 AM
54° F (Light Rain)
10:00 AM
55° F (Light Rain)
01:00 PM
55° F (Overcast Clouds)
04:00 PM
53° F (Light Rain)
07:00 PM
47° F (Light Rain)
10:00 PM
45° F (Scattered Clouds)
45° F (Broken Clouds)
04:00 AM
44° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 AM
45° F (Overcast Clouds)
10:00 AM
46° F (Overcast Clouds)
01:00 PM
48° F (Overcast Clouds)
04:00 PM
50° F (Overcast Clouds)
07:00 PM
48° F (Scattered Clouds)
10:00 PM
47° F (Few Clouds)
46° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 AM
45° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 AM
53° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 AM
66° F (Clear Sky)
01:00 PM
73° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 PM
68° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 PM
60° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 PM
57° F (Clear Sky)
55° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 AM
53° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 AM
59° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 AM
72° F (Clear Sky)
01:00 PM
80° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 PM
74° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 PM
67° F (Clear Sky)
10:00 PM
64° F (Clear Sky)
60° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 AM
58° F (Clear Sky)
07:00 AM
64° F (Few Clouds)
10:00 AM
77° F (Few Clouds)
01:00 PM
80° F (Clear Sky)
04:00 PM
75° F (Few Clouds)
07:00 PM
69° F (Few Clouds)
Weather News Reports
Sub-freezing temps, chance of precipitation to chill East Texas through Friday
- Texas
- Kennedale
- I-20
- source: Bing
- Feb 19, 2025 00:00am
East Texans along the Interstate 20 corridor can expect sub-freezing temperatures through Friday, and chances of freezing rain and ice in the area are low - but not impossible. Read More
More results in our I-20 Kennedale Texas Archives
DOT Accident and Construction Reports
Road ClosedClosed road from Highway 287 to US Highway 287.
TYPE: Miscellaneous
TYPE: Construction Serious
Road ClosedHighway 287 Road is closed from US-287/Sublett Rd (US-287 Frontage) to US-287/Little Rd/N
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
Road ClosedInterstate 20 Road is closed from US-287/SE Loop 820/Gateway Dr (I-20 Frontage) to Bowman
TYPE: Miscellaneous Serious
TYPE: Construction Moderate
Road ClosedClosed road from exit [442A] to Mansfield Hwy.
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
TYPE: Miscellaneous Moderate
Road ClosedRoad closure scheduled 01/28/2025 - 03/29/2025 due to Roadworks / License - Roadworks work
TYPE: Construction Serious
TYPE: Construction Serious
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I-20 Texas Weather Conditions Statewide (13 DOT and News Reports)